Annnnnd we're back!

Here we are, its been awhile (8 months now), I've made promises in the past about posting regularly again, going to give it another shot. Those of you that keep checking in to see the same old, apologies, thanks for sticking around. 

A lot has happened and there's even more on the horizon, we're going to mix up posts of new happenings and things from the past 8 months. For now, enjoy some pictures of our lovely studio in Red Hook, Brooklyn, and take a sneak peak at our latest completed commission, the valet chair. 

Rocking Chair Debuts at the Interior Design Show

Azure-Emerging-Reed-Hansuld-2I know it has been a long time between posts, the business and life side of all this took priority for a little while. Through January and February I was preparing for and exhibiting at the Toronto Interior Design show as well as relocating to Brooklyn, New York. In this post is a picture from the show as well as the most recent piece produced, Rocking Chair No. 1.  It is walnut construction with a steel subframe, the steel gives the piece the structure it requires to take the load of a person. The cool (and somewhat unexpected) thing about it is the chair has no noticeable flex from the cantilevered seat or back, but has a slight flex side to side. It allows the back and seat to move independently from one another as the sitter adjusts in the chair.

I will go back in the coming weeks to post the process of creating this chair as well as posting about a new chair commission I am in the midst of currently designing.

Thanks for following, hope you enjoy.

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